Scottish American Memorial

West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh

Scottish American Memorial
Scottish American Memorial

THE CALL – The Scottish American War Memorial is located in West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.

Scottish-Americans raised the money to build the memorial for Scots who died in the First World War.

Erected in 1927, the statue shows a kilted infantryman looking towards Edinburgh Castle.

Scottish American Memorial
Scottish American Memorial

“The Call 1914” was designed by R. Tait McKenzie, a Scottish Canadian, and took four years to complete.

The frieze behind shows Scots of various professions answering the call and turning civilians into soldiers.

Lines from E. A. Mackintosh‘s poem “A Creed” at the bottom of the frieze read:

“If it be life that waits, I shall live forever unconquered; if death, I shall die at last strong in my pride and free.”

Scottish American Memorial base
Scottish American Memorial Plaque
Scottish American Memorial plaque

In 1923, a committee was formed in America to raise funds from people of Scots’ blood and sympathy.

US Ambassador Houghton, who was given the Freedom of Edinburgh, unveiled the memorial on 7th September 1927.

Canadian Robert Tait Mackenzie (1867-1938) sculpted the statue and Bas-relief, which were cast at the Roman Bronze Works, Brooklyn, New York.

Mackenzie was the Director of Physical Education and a physician at the University of Pennsylvania.

Architect Reginald Fairlie designed the Craigleith sandstone setting.

The text is from ‘A Creed’, written by Lieutenant E. Alan Mackintosh M.C. at Vimy Ridge in 1916.

Lieutenant Mackintosh was a poet in the 5th Seaforth Highlanders, 51st (Highland) Division.

Close-up soldier, Scottish American Memorial
Close-up of soldier on the Scottish American Memorial

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