Good Old Portobello

Portobello High Street, Edinburgh

Good Old Portobello postcard

This postcard, published by Castle Series Postcards, shows a wonderful slice of life on Portobello High Street in 1903.

At the junction of Brighton Place and Bath Street, a policeman looks as if he is solving a small local problem.

A street lamp is being repaired.

Four men are passing the time on the corner of the High Street and Brighton Place.

Trams, probably the number 21 or number 22, are going to and from Princes Street.

Policeman in Portobello High Street

A policeman has a “word” with a young man on Portobello High Street.

Portobello High Street

Four men stand at the corner of Brighton Place and Portobello High Street, while two trams make their way along the road.

Portobello High Street Lamp

A street lamp under repair and a man with a basket, perhaps bread from the nearby bakery.

Good Old Portobello text

The sender of the postcard wrote “Good Old Portobello” upside down on the front of the card.

Portobello High Street - Back of Postcard

The card was sent on the 9th June 1903 to The Whim Farm, Lamancha.

Good Old Portobello
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