Sad to see this fine Edinburgh building lying empty. The old Odeon Cinema on the Southside of the city has been unused and unloved for more than twenty years.
1917 – the first World War raged on and the N.H.S. was almost thirty years away. The charity running the Royal Infirmary had a deficit of almost £26,000; equivalent to …
Franz Hedrich was a German-Bohemian author and ghostwriter to Alfred Meissner.
Greyfriars Kirk was founded in 1620 in the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town and was the first church built in Scotland after the Reformation.
A ghost sign remains on what’s left of St James Square in Edinburgh’s New Town.
Scottish-Americans raised the money to build the memorial to Scots who died in the First World War.
Robert Louis Stevenson (born 13 November 1850) was a Scottish author, poet, essayist and travel writer.
Coastal Command was founded in 1936, when the RAF was reorganised into Bomber, Fighter, and Coastal Commands, and played a vital role during World War II.
A wonderful slice of life on Portobello High Street, Edinburgh.
The story of the T.S.S. California, a Clyde built ship from 1923.